Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I did it!

This is a little late, but big news!  I finished my first 5k on July 15th.  It was pretty, but I ran almost the entire thing (stopping once for water and another time to catch my breath for 10 steps).  I finished in just over 37 minutes.  Not great, but I finished!  I think I actually did better this time then when I ran a 4 mile race when I was 125lbs.  Training outside and on the course made a huge difference. 

Anyway, I have been doing pretty well with the fruits and veggies goal too.  We have been eating a lot of fresh fruit and more veggies.  Once we get in the house (hopefully in 20 days) then we will turn the big diet change on.  Essentially we are starting fresh.  New house, new goals, new everything.  It just seems like the perfect chance to get back on track. 

The 28lb thing...I am not sure that is going to happen as it stands I have lost 22lbs so far, but just not sure about another 30 basically.  We shall see. 

The house.  The house.  I am beyond excited about our new home!  It is almost done and it is beautiful.  I know being in this house will help us to get healthy and just make life better.  Being in a 550 sq ft apartment with a 2 year old for 15 months has been a struggle...we get bored or stir crazy we go out then we eat out.  It has created a major issue for us.  Dennis and I are firm believers in organic if possible, but it just has not been possible.  A lot of people may say I am making excuses, but I truly have no room to store anything...even food.  Going to the grocery store everyday is not feasible with a 2 year old and a 30 minute commute (minimum).  The point is-I CANNOT WAIT TO CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Realistic goals

I am setting new goals for myself.  Realistic goals.  For most of my professional career I have been driven to meet demanding goals, as a result I often set similar goals in my personal life.  It is too hard to have demanding professional and personal goals.  Let's be honest, I have a 2 year old, we are building a house, I work full time outside of the home, I like to have my time, and I would still like to have time with my husband.  Life is meant to be enjoyed. 

Therefore, I have set some new goals for myself. 

1. Run a 5k by July 15th (I have attended and will continue to attend a training class at Metro).
2. Get to a healthy BMI range by 10/11/12 (our 4 year anniversary) which means 28lb weight loss. 
3. Eat 3 servings of fruit/veggies everyday.

Hopefully, by making something a little more attainable I will have success.  The thought of having another baby scares the hell out of me.  No way am I physically ready, mentally I suppose I am getting there.  I love the kiddo, but I vividly remember the swelling, carpal tunnel, and diabetes.  Next time, I will be better prepared. 

Have a safe, happy holiday!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

50lbs to go

I am about half way through my weightloss journey.  When I write it that way it doesn't seem too bad.  When I think about 50 individual pounds it makes me want to grab the nearest ice cream treat.  Many people have told me not to worry about because of our living situation it is going to be tough to lose weight. Granted-I agree, living in a one bedroom apartment with a husband and toddler is not the easiest thing to do, but no more excuses.  So, starting Monday (yes, I know that is what all dieters say), I am going to get hard corse about the weight loss and do a Reboot.  Yes, a Reboot.  I am dropping meat, dairy, and sugar....for at least 10 days.  Wish me luck.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sweet Dreams...

Recently, we have been dealing with a variety of sleep issues and dreams. 

First, Carson has decided that he no longer wants to sleep in his crib, but would rather be in Mommy & Daddy's.  He would cry when we put him down, he would wake up at least 3 times a night crying for one of us to come and get him.  We did the cry it out thing and it seems to have worked...knock on wood.  I am quickly learning that toddlers go through lots of very brief stages.  We are hoping this was one of them. 

Second, we are in the process of finalizing an offer for building the house of our dreams (sort of).  We have searched for the last 6 months for a house that fit all of our requirements and have found nothing.  So, we looked into building and were pleasantly surprised that we could get almost everything we want if we build.  Of course it is on a little lot, but we sacrificed.  I am hoping this works out and we are able to be in our new home by the summer. 

Last, I finally lost my first 20lbs.  I am so happy and feeling much better.  Now, I need to attack the next 20lbs.  My dream is to be 50lbs lighter by Carson's birthday...if not sooner.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Changing gears

My friend Kristen suggested that I switch the blog up a little bit and make it more about our adventures in parenting Mr. Carson.  As most of you know, May was the start of our first year all together.  I suppose our family experience has been slightly different than that of others and perhaps an intersting story?  We shall see.  Consider this blog-under construction.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On the WW

With all of the changes, yes-we moved yet again.  I haven't had time to do much of anything, but eat.  So, my Mom got me Weight Watchers for my Birthday this year.  So far so good, of course it is only day number 2, but I am actually being deliberate about what I eat.  I said no to the bagel this morning!

I went to the Doctor for my check up.  My blood pressure has been high, probably from the stress of the move and the extra weight, hence my visit to the Doctor.  Then my blood pressure was fine!  Definitely stress related.  I should get my gluclose test results today or tomorrow.  Hopefully everything checks out okay.  I just need to make sure I get the weight off as soon as possible. 

My plan is to be deligent about blogging and doing the WW thing since life has calmed down a bit.  I will say chasing a toddler around has proved to be a big help with extra exercise. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's here!

I went and got fitted at the Blue Mile for my new running shoes (big Thank you to my husband for funding that investment).  I very much recommend heading over there if you are in the market for good running shoes.  The salesperson was very understanding and really wanted to be sure I found the perfect fit and offered me many options in a wide variety of prices.  Make no mistake, it wasn't cheap, but I feel much better and can run longer. 

My parents came down this week and brought their unused treadmill.  I cannot wait to try it out with my new shoes.  In other news...I am down 11lbs! I even had the balls to post the little tracker on the blog...now you know my actual poundage.  I am feeling like it will be hard to fail since everyone seems to be pulling for me.  My friends at work who encourage me to workout at lunch and eat healthy (Kristen &JT).  My hubby for funding many of my new "working out purchases" and my parents for the Zumba and treadmill!